Research is a central element to address the phenomenon of corruption. Only through increased understanding, comprehension and knowledge of the causes of corruption, the risks and its effects, it will be possible to foster approaches that do not tolerate corruption and develop skills that allow for individuals and institutions to resist social and cultural pressures when faced with corrupt conducts. FGV Law School in Rio de Janeiro, through its Justice and Society Research Center, have been developing applied research on the field of anti-corruption seeking to collaborate with the development of Brazil.
In recent years, Brazil has passed through intense transformations regarding fighting corruption. Decades of legislative reforms, such as the Anti-corruption Law and the Freedom of Information Law, have generated the setting for investigations, which have uncovered huge corruption schemes. Wider reforms are, nonetheless, necessary. Based on this recognition, the New Measures against Corruption were developed as part of a broad package of legislative and administrative reforms intended to address various problems, such as lack of transparency, slow judicial process and deficiencies of the Brazilian electoral system.