The research was initiated in September 2018 and it is in progress. It is developed by FGV Law School in Rio de Janeiro and FGV School of International Relations, with the support of Transparency International.
The overall objective of this project is to identify lessons from the Lava Jato Operation for the development of public policies aimed at combating corruption in Brazil and abroad. There are three specific objectives: (a) to systematize knowledge about Lava Jato causes and its institutional impacts in Brazil and abroad; (b) to present recommendations from Lava Jato's experience to improve the quality and effectiveness of anti-corruption policies in Brazil and abroad, and (c) to facilitate the transfer of knowledge from the Lava Jato Operation to other countries and specialized international organizations.
The existing knowledge about the fight against corruption suffers from a basic problem: the relative lack of empirical evidence about the phenomenon, which is characterized by secrecy, illegality and disguised performance of the main actors involved. By offering the first set of systematized data on the largest anti-corruption operation on record in Brazil, this project aims to increase the participation of the research team and FGV in the global intellectual debate on governance in transnational corruption matters, as well as to generate applied research products with commercial potential for FGV.
Lava Jato Operation is result of changes in Brazil’s legislation, jurisprudence, institutional practice and society. Its developments have generated important innovations in the fight against corruption, with remarkable results, as well as practices sometimes questioned by academics and lawyers. Thus, the transformations demand a deeper understanding by academic entities, both for scientific analysis and for the adequate use of Lava Jato’s lessons for future cases in Brazil and in other countries.