New Measures Against Corruption
Organisers: Michael Freitas Mohallem, Bruno Brandão, Isabel Cristina Veloso de Oliveira, Guilherme de Jesus France, Ana Luiza Aranha, Maira Martini, Fabiano Angélico e Luca Wanick
To lead a wide ranging effort, with inputs from multiple sectors of the Brazilian society, in order to develop a package of legislative, institutional and administrative reforms. This enterprise aims at confronting the systemic causes of corruption and offering long term solutions for the State.
Brazil is going through an extraordinary moment in the fight against corruption: we are witnessing the opening of a promising window of opportunity to improve mechanisms to deal with corruption, while revealing details of decades of criminal relations between companies and political agents. Unfortunately, the most important debate of recent years in Brazil on the subject, initiated by the proposals known as "Ten measures against corruption", was soon weakened by the Brazilian National Congress, before gathering further contributions from social, academic and expert organizations. Inspired by the "Lava Jato" operation context, Transparência Internacional and FGV Direito Rio and São Paulo began to retake the reflection on systemic reforms.
• Recognizable anti-corruption impact
• Preference for proposals with economic viability
• Adherence to constitutional and legal norms
• Non-corporatism
• Promotes and Respects Human Rights
First stage - Consultations with the civil society
351 invitations were sent to public institutions, non-governmental organizations, educational and religious institutions, commercial associations and workers unions. They were invited to send draft bills capable of preventing, detecting and combating corruption in Brazil.
Second stage - Writing of bills
Experts with renowned expertise and professional experience were invited to transform ideas and suggestions into legislative proposals. The goal is to build a package of anti-corruption bills. We took into account the specific background of each of expert in assigning proposals for them to develop and asked them to also consider bills already under consideration by Brazil’s Congress, in order to improve the package’s political viability.
Third stage - Refinement of bills
In the third stage, we are implementing a peer-review process of all bills received in the first and second stages of the project. The goal is to make a final definition of the bills that will compose the package and refine them, improving the quality and effectiveness of the proposals that will be presented.
Fourth stage - Public consultation
The fourth stage will make the bills available online to broad social consideration, criticism and suggestions.
Fifth stage - Feedback analysis
In this stage, comments and propositions made by the public are taken into consideration and either entail the exclusion of the criticised bills or are incorporated into them. The remaining bills will compose the final package.
Sixth stage - Project Campaign (In Progress)
This stage is focused on advertising the project, in order to attract public support. We aim to reach potential advocates for the package such as private and public institutions, non governmental organizations and members of the academy.